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Active Projects


Sewer System Master Plan (SSMP):

Start Date: December 2022.

Finish Date: December 2024.

On December 2022, the Board approved and awarded the contract to AKM Engineering firm to develop a comprehensive SSMP to update its existing 2004 Master Plan and support the ongoing operation and maintenance of the Midway City Sanitary District (District)’s sewer system, and to identify deficiencies and future needs.

The scope of the work is as follows:

  1. Review available pertinent records that will assist in the preparation of the Sewer System Master Plan;
  2. Assess Condition of existing sewer system facilities;
  3. Update Sources, Quality and Regulatory Issues;
  4. Utilize and develop an updated GIS-based hydraulic modeling system;
  5. Evaluate the existing operations and maintenance practices and identify improvements in the current level of service where areas of opportunities allow;
  6. Develop a recommended sewer system repair, replacement, and improvement program where system and condition-related deficiencies are identified;
  7. Recommend future capital improvement program and prioritize projects;
  8. Spill Emergency Response Plan (SERP) which is already completed. 
Final MCSD SERP Report and Appendices - Signed.pdf

For any questions about this project, please give us a call.

Sewer System CCTV Video Inspection and Cleaning Project (CCTV):

Start Date: February 2024.

Finish Date: December 2024.

Midway City Sanitary District (District) has contracted with Empire Pipe Cleaning and Equipment (Contractor) for CCTV project. Over the next 12 months, Contractor will be cleaning District’s sewer lines, inspecting (CCTV) sewer lines, and doing manhole video inspections. Contractor will provide reports detailing the conditions of the District’s sewer facilities.

Contractor will be inspecting approximately 174 miles of sewer mains and 3001 manholes. These inspections will help District identifies any defects within the sewer mains and manholes. The prevention of defects and sewer breaks is critical to keeping Midway City and Westminster safe, clean, and functioning properly.

2024-07-15 Look Ahead Map.pdf

For any questions about this project, please give us a call.


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